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Latest News from the College
Term: Teaching and Learning
94 post(s) found

Online Webinar for Parents

Here is a link for an upcoming free one-hour online webinar on the transition from Primary to Secondary school that parents of incoming First Years may find useful. The one hour online event covers important topics like the Junior Cycle, helping teens manage and embrace change and identifying areas of concern.

Business Trip to Butlers' Chocolate Factory

First Year Business Studies students in Presentation College Carlow got the opportunity on January 12th to visit Butlers' Choclate Factory and to see what really goes on behind the doors of a working factory. They got the chance to learn about how Butlers Chocolates have grown to be a true Irish success story since its beginnings in 1932 and of course taste some chocolate!  They were accompanied by teachers - Ms Byrne, Ms Fogarty, Mr Fennell and Ms Gibbons.

Dáil Presentation

Congratulations and  well done to First Year students Jakub, Joseph and Zena who are all past pupils from Educate Together National School Carlow and recently made a presentation to the Dail on a project they have been working on since 6th class in primary school. The students were selected to present their project based on "making Carlow a better place for young people". The students highlighted issues such as:

Active Travel; Prioritising People; Biodiversity; Street Art and Social Areas. It is fantastic to see our young people being given the opportunity to use their voice. Well Done!

Think Languages

Today Transition Years took part in the National #ThinkLanguages Event for the first time in Presentation College. Special thanks to our team of Language Champions Ben, Cathal,  Lexie, Lucy and Mia who planned and ran the morning. Click on the heading for more information and photos. 

European Ambassador Training Programme

Congratulations to Natalia and Sophie who will be two of our four Junior EU Ambassadors. They will lead a group of Second Year students. who have been selected  to participate in the EPA Ambassador Schools programme. Click on the heading for the full group photo. We are delighted that Presentation College is involved in this programme.