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Latest News from the College

La Semaine Française

May 03 2019


Here in Presentation College, Carlow we recently enjoyed a wonderful week filled with French culture, cuisine and activities. Throughout the week our school was bursting with French traditions giving students a real taste of life in France. French teachers Mme Cadinot, Mme Owens and Mme Jully organised various activities for all French students to explore and sample French life.

Students enjoyed various French activities such as face painting and an art competition, with articulate pieces that even Leonardo Da Vinci would be proud of! A traditional French breakfast was enjoyed by our well deserving Sixth Years. Fifth and Sixth Year French students got the chance to enjoy an amazing French movie “The Keeper”, in The GBS theatre. They found it both enjoyable and exciting. Transition Year students held a photobooth to capture the smiles of French week in our school. Our Third Year students were lucky enough to watch a French play when a group of performers came into our school and performed the play ‘Le Rôle’ for them. The students found the play very interesting as some of the students even took part in it.

We were so immersed in the French way of life, that we felt like we were on the streets of France each day of La Semaine Française.

By Transition Year students: Charlee Walsh, Ellie Moore, Sapphire Lawlor and Claire Taylor. Edited by: Kian Dooley, Callum Carter, Conor Ffrench, Robert Norton, Nurlan Kennedy and Corey Connolly.


Damian Korus, Senior winner of Construction Competition




Sixth Years enjoying their Petit déjeuner with their French teachers Mme Cadinot and Mme Jully



Third Year students performing in French play Le Rôle



Neringa Kirveleviciute and Goda Stepanova, Junior Art Competition winners



 Orla Byrne and Niamh White with some French hom




All the latest news from Presentation College Carlow