Sport plays a huge part of school life and forms an integral part of Presentation College's history. Click here for the latest Sports news
We have a Sports Photos section on this website. We also have a special Presentation College Sport Twitter account: @PresCarlowSport where mainly sporting news and photos are posted. Our Sport Instagram is @prescarlowsport

Competitive Sports
Students have been very successful on the sporting front. A broad range of sports are offered to students, boys and girls, including Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Camogie, Equestrian, Futsal, Gaelic Football, Handball, Hurling, Rugby, Soccer, Table Tennis and Vollyball.
Sporting Facilities
The school has the benefit of very modern indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Students have access to a full-size Sports Hall for all of their PE classes and also to the aerobic machines and fitness console in the Fitness Suite. Outdoor facilities comprise five basketball courts, five tennis courts and three pitches. Such are the sports facilities available to our students that several outside bodies currently hire them.
Presentation College received the Active School Flag in January 2012, which was reviewed and updated in September 2016, from the Department of Education and Skills in recognition of our school’s endeavours to achieve a physically active and physically educated school community.
An Active School like Presentation College:
-Provides all students with a double-period class for PE.
-Makes a range of extracurricular activities available on both an individual and team basis.
-Promotes physical activity during lunchtimes.
-Works with external agencies such as National Governing Bodies and Local Sports Partnerships to promote physical activity.
-Organises an “Active School Week” which includes a Sports Day for all students every year.
-Includes students in the decision-making process in terms of provision and promotion of physical activity.
-Has adequate resources and facilities to provide students with comprehensive PE, physical activity and sports programmes.