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Volunteering Expo

Oct 15 2017

Oliwia Kamer (Sixth Year) and Georgina Maher (Teacher) met with Aishling, Regina and Natasha from the Volunteer Centre recently at an event at the Fairgreen Shopping Centre in Carlow. Oliwia was interviewed by KCLR about her own experiences of volunteering over the past few years. She spoke about all the positives for her personally by helping out in her locality. She has enjoyed volunteering with summer camps and nursing homes among others and despite being in her final year in school, she hopes to continue volunteering in the future.

At the same event, some Transition Year students met with Irish Olympic Athlete, Thomas Barr. The students had the opportunity to visit over thirty organisations on the day that are all run voluntarily in the local community. As part of their R.E. programme, all Transition Year students volunteer once a week and engage in a wide variety of activities. They get the chance to experience how important volunteering is and how much communities rely on the good nature of people to keep these organisations up and running. They are vital to communities and students now are developing a huge understating of their importance within their own locality. 

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