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Extra Curricular Activities

Presentation College is an innovative school drawing on the talents and skills of staff, students and parents to provide a host of educational programmes and projects. Wholesome participation is encouraged in the extensive range of extra-curricular activities on offer and care is also taken to ensure the well-being and happiness of each and every student in the school. Click on the links below to see some of the co-curricular activities students may get involved in: Clubs And Societies


We have a strong belief that students should participate in the organisations within the school. Clubs and societies are a huge part of the school and the building of relationships within the school community. Below are just some of the many clubs and societies which operate in the school:


Click on the links below to see some of the co-curricular activities students may get involved in:


Clubs And Societies    Music And Drama       Sport       Tours And Trips


AFTER SCHOOL STUDY This is open to Junior and Senior students. Please contact Mr Murray for details.

AILO PROBLEM SOLVING  This is an international competition. There will be a preliminary round in school in February. The competition involves solving problems and puzzles using language and logic. Contact either of the Guidance teachers for more information.  Click here for further info




BT YOUNG SCIENTIST Each year we enter a number of projects into this competition. Contact your Science teacher if you are interested.

CAMOGIE Ms Kinsella

CHESS CLUB  The chess club is open to all and takes place at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:20 - 1:50 in Room 4. Please contact Ms Malone or just drop in if interested. You do not need to bring anything. 

CHOIR Ms O'Doherty is the teacher who runs the choir. Choir rehearsals are on Thursdays 4:15 - 5:30 in Room 21. Click here for choir and music news

COMPUTER CLUB  Click here for the latest Computer Club and ICT news


EPAS - European Parlament Ambassador Schools Programme - Ms Byrne and Ms Gibbons


GAISCE  This is open to Fourth Year students and the coordinator is Ms O'Sullivan. Students work towards their Bronze Medal and are involved in areas of Sport, Community,Skill Development and a Venture (Glendalough). Click here for Gaisce and other TY news


GERMAN CLUB This is for students who like to meet to speak German at lunchtime. Contact Ms Byrne or Ms Malone to find out more.

GREEN SCHOOLS Meetings take place in Room 20 on Tuesdays. Ms Dempsey and Ms Hanley are the teachers to contact. See the Green Schools Noticeboard outside the school library for information. New members are always welcome. Click here for the latest news from Green Schools        This is the link to our Green Schools Twitter

HURLING Mr O' Mahoney



RUGBY Mr Bailey

SCIENCE CLUB  Our Science Club meets on Mondays 1:20 - 1:50 in Room 26 at lunchtime. Members come from all year groups. A science teacher runs the club and students do fun experiments, prepare for competitions and have fun with science. Ms Bradley and Ms Kinsella are the teachers to contact. BT Young Scientist Competition and Scifest are some of the competitions students enter.    Click here for the latest news on Science and Technology



SOCCER Indoor Soccer takes place on Thursdays at lunch time. Contact Mr Murray and Mr Kiely

STUDENT COUNCIL Meetings every second Tuesday from September 17th in Room 2 at lunchtime. There is a notice board in the school canteen. Ms Bowden is the teacher to contact. Here is the Link to Student Council news

ST VINCENT DE PAUL Ms Coburn is the teacher to contact. There is a notice board outside the school library. Here is the Link to SVP news